Nasha Doroha Celebrates 50 years!

Сьогодні ми святкуємо Золотий Ювілей свого улюбленого журналу Ліги Українських Католицьких Жінок Канади “Наша Дорога”. 50 років для Вічності — це мить, а для періо дичного видання — вагомий і від-
повідальний проміжок часу…

Nasha Doroha - Issue 71

One Response to “Nasha Doroha Celebrates 50 years!”

  1. Deidre Paluck says:

    I would like to offer my most sincere congratulations on the latest issue of Nasha Doroha. I have received issues with my membership and enjoyed the more professional format that it was transformed to. In my opinion the latest issue was certainly the most interesting, relevant, timely and readable ever. There was not too much Ukrainian language which I cannot understand. Articles were inspirational, informative and helpful – I went back to reread several items because of this. I liked the female content and spiritual articles that were easy to read, reflect on and inspire – there was a great selection of articles for all members, young and old.
    Keep up the great work – it was also a pleasure to receive it in a timely manner.

    Thank you and bless you for all the work you, your executive and committees do on our behalf.

    Deidre Paluck
    St. Athanasius Branch
    Regina, SK.

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